
polebear - 11/27/21 09:22

跟我的忘年交朋友Lyne 电话聊天,她问我,你听说过一个名叫Nick 天生没手没脚的人的故事吗?她说她记不住他的姓,让我搜Nick no arm, no leg。于是放狗,看完三个有关他的视频,有十年前的,还有他的演讲,还有下面这一个。


永不停止是你的相信和努力:相信你自己,你的天赋,人生的意义和目标。最为重要的是,造物主对你永不止息的爱和他对你生命的计划。(Being unstoppable is about believing and achieving. It's about having faith in yourself, your talents and your purpose and, most of all, in God's great love and His divine plan for your life.)

成千上万的人记住了没手没脚的尼克的笑脸和鼓舞人心的信息。尽管天生没有手脚,这一切并没有阻止他去探索,并获得有意义的事业和爱情关系。他克服了不计其数的艰难困苦和考验,专注于他自己特殊又特别目标和人生意义。那就是他的生命是有价值同时也有益于别人的,不管生活有多么艰难和绝望,造物主一直在,对于我们每一个人。尼克把他的成功归功于他的信仰,当你相信并采取行动,一切会变得不同。(Millions around the world recognize the smiling face and inspirational message of Nick Vujicic. Despite being born without arms or legs, Nick's challenges have not kept him from enjoying great adventures, a fulfilling and meaningful career, and loving relationships. Nick has overcome trials and hardships by focusing on the promises that he was created for a unique and specific purpose, that his life has value and is a gift to others, and that no matter the despair and hard times in life, God is always present. Nick credits his success in life to the power that is unleashed when faith takes action.)

看看他要克服的重重困难,这一切究竟是怎么发生的?绝不停止的尼克讲了几个我们很多人面对黑暗和困境,包括:(But how does that happen? In Unstoppable Nick addresses adversity and difficult circumstances that many people face today, including:)









(· Personal crises
· Relationship issues
· Career and job challenges
· Health and disability concerns
· Self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and addictions
· Bullying, persecution, cruelty, and intolerance
· Balance in body, mind, heart, and spirit
· Service to others”)


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Kotalpa - 11/27/21 11:07


polebear - 11/27/21 11:43


Kotalpa - 11/27/21 11:59


polebear - 11/27/21 12:18
